Monday, February 1, 2016

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

As you all know I showed you how to process fresh Pumpkins.  I suggested keeping the seeds for roasting and if you have, here is how you go about doing so.  Pumpkins seeds are an extremely healthy snack packed with Zinc, Copper, Protein, Magnesium, and they are an antioxidant, etc.,.  You can eat them as a snack, garish for fruits or vegetables, add them to muffins, cakes or smoothies,  add them in to a Pesto, Pumpkin Brittle, the uses are endless.

Preheat your oven to 300-Degrees Fahrenheit

What you will need:
1-Large Aluminum Foil or Parchment Paper Lined Baking Sheet
1-Medium Size Bowl
1-Sterilized Canning Jar, Zip Lock Bag, or other Storage Container
1-Sterilized Funnel if you have one

Misto Spray Pump with either Vegetable or Olive Oil inside
*If you don't have one you can just drizzle the oil about 1-Tablespoon*
Seeds from your processed Pumpkin

1/3-Cup Sugar
1/4-Teaspoon Salt
1-Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Line you baking sheet with either Aluminum Foil or Parchment Paper, set a side.

Put a colander in your kitchen sink adding in the Pumpkin Seeds that you just scraped out of your Pumpkin.  Run cool water over the seeds, cleaning and separating them from the slimy stringy pulp. Pick out any pulp left in the colander, I use a bowl and put the pulp in that then set aside. Continue rinsing the seeds until there is no pulp. Shut off the water.   Shake the colander a few times removing excess water. Pick out any seeds that look dehydrated-shriveled and discard them as well as the pulp.

Spray your lined baking sheet with a little bit of the vegetable or olive oil. Make sure to cover the whole baking sheet evenly.  Take the Pumpkin Seeds and lay them in a single layer onto the lined baking sheet.  Now using your Misto Spray Pump, spray a little of the vegetable oil or olive oil over the Pumpkin Seeds making sure they are evenly covered. Don't drown them. If you don't have the Misto, just drizzle the oil evenly over the seeds. Now gently toss the seeds around on the baking sheet, you want to make sure they get a good covering. Place the lined baking sheet into your preheated oven and bake for 45-minutes or until golden brown. **Note: I was multitasking on Sunday and made home made spaghetti sauce, processed the pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds.**

While the Pumpkin Seeds are roasting, take your Zip Lock Bag and add in the sugar, salt and ground cinnamon.  Close the bag and shake until well blended.  Set aside. When the seeds are golden brown remove from your oven and place the baking sheet onto a heat resistant surface and let cool for a few minutes until you can safely handle them. They should be warm but not hot.  Put your Pumpkin Seeds in the Zip Lock bag and shake until well coated.


You can keep the Pumpkin Seeds in the Zip Lock bag sealed or transfer them into either the canning jar using the funnel and put the lid and rim on tight or put them in an air tight storage container.  I like using the canning jar myself. You can add other seasonings or spices of your choosing instead of the cinnamon sugar. You can even just have them plain or salted.  Enjoy!

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